Friday, October 4, 2024

What Black Houses Are Good For --- Day 13/284

Walk: Dr., Kiehls, Carpet Store, Basically all over the hood

Distance: 6 miles

Black houses are particulary good at showing off white skeletons. 

All over Ciwt's hood neighbors have called professional installers or blocked off weekends and gotten their laddes ready to put up their decorations for San Francisco's favorite holiday.  Early in October Ciwt sees multiple crews with many workers or entire families carrying skeletons, witches, ghouls.  And there are some dragons and other enormous eerie creatures that probably require forklifts.  Other  installations are done at night so unsuspecting neighbors are terrified when they pick up their newspapers or leave for work.  The competition and just old fashioned Halloween energy is intense.

Right on October 1, four trucks and numerous men spend a good part of the day making sure this black house was among the first to enter the unspoken but clearly real Halloween decorating contest.  And also to officially open and become Entry #1 in  the 2024 CIWT Neighborhood Decoration Contest.   

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