Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Tyger! Tyger! --- Day 13/266*

Walk: Hood

Distance: 6.5 miles

So Ciwt heard from a reader who was disappointed she hadn't been posting as many animal pictures on CIWTas she had in the past. Hearing that, childless catlady Ciwt went right to work and found this magnificent tiger.  She's actually a young mother working hard to raise her rebellious cubs. There's one above, and he does look like trouble,  You can see more of her and those naughty cubs in the movie Tiger produced by WildStar Films and the culmination of 1,500 days of filming.

* In honor of William Blake's (1757-1827) immortal poem The Tyger, with that unforgetable first line: Tyger! Tyger! Burning Bright..

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