Saturday, September 7, 2024

Box Walking --- Days 13/254 & 255

Walks: UPS, FED EX, Home to get more boxes, UPS, Home for more, UPS

Distances: Average 4.5 miles

Ciwt thinks she has mentioned that nothing is local these days.  So as she continues to move into her new home, her days are consisting of living on line, guessing about colors, fabrics, finishes. Some sooner, some later, the boxes - mostly large - arrive.  Then it's on to carrying the boxes up the stairs*, slicing open to see if the items are even close, either breaking down the boxes or....(and this is often the case), repacking and walking the boxes over to UPS, FedEx or USPS.  Repeat, repeat....

Oh well, it is exercise. Some people walk their dogs; Ciwt sees them on her way through the park as she walks her boxes.

* Occasionally a delivery person with a particularly heavy package notices Ciwt's cast and offers to carry the deliver upstairs.  Ciwt always says yes.

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