Friday, September 13, 2024

The English and Their Hats --- Days 13/256 -- 262


Walks:  Hood 

Distance average: 4 miles

Ciwt is a huge hat admirer. Must be her in her balmy English blood. And, if she lived in Bridport, Dorset, England, she would definitely attend the town's Hat Festival every year.  It's a celebration of hats, a fun(d)raiser for head-related charities (whatever they are) and a giant summer-ending party.  The festival combines live music, demonstrations, an auction, games, you name it, including multiple competitions.  In that last regard, Ciwt would head straight for the Hatted Dog Competition.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Box Walking --- Days 13/254 & 255

Walks: UPS, FED EX, Home to get more boxes, UPS, Home for more, UPS

Distances: Average 4.5 miles

Ciwt thinks she has mentioned that nothing is local these days.  So as she continues to move into her new home, her days are consisting of living on line, guessing about colors, fabrics, finishes. Some sooner, some later, the boxes - mostly large - arrive.  Then it's on to carrying the boxes up the stairs*, slicing open to see if the items are even close, either breaking down the boxes or....(and this is often the case), repacking and walking the boxes over to UPS, FedEx or USPS.  Repeat, repeat....

Oh well, it is exercise. Some people walk their dogs; Ciwt sees them on her way through the park as she walks her boxes.

* Occasionally a delivery person with a particularly heavy package notices Ciwt's cast and offers to carry the deliver upstairs.  Ciwt always says yes.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Long Stretch --- Days 13/253 & 254

Walks; Hood

Distances: 4 miles

So Ciwt has plenty of things to do from the time she wakes up until 4:30 in the afternoon.  But then comes the dreaded (for her) 4:30 to 6:30 stretch.  In her entire 80 years she has never, ever figured out what in the world to do during those hours except just sort of grit her teeth, wait around, dawdle, etc.  She wonders how her readers fill them.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Showing Off --- Day 13/252

Walk: Hood (of course)

Distance: 5.5 miles

Monday, September 2, 2024

Blow, Scott, Blow --- Days 13/250 & 251

Walks: One Day of rest, Hood

Distance: n/a, 3.5 miles

Scott Macomber on trumpet and Simon Berry on organ at St. Dominic's Church, San Francisco

Some people resonate to the violin, others to the piano.  Certain instruments speak most deeply to individual listeners.  For Ciwt is is HORNS, especially the trumpet.  And when that instrument is accompanied by organ music vibrating off the arched stone walls of a cathedral straight our of midieval France, oh my.  So you can imagine how much she enjoyed her "Dances for Trump & Organ" concert the other evening.