Thursday, August 1, 2024

This Teenage Life --- Days 13/215-219

Walks: Hood, AMC Kabuki (Didi)

Distances: Average 3.5 miles

Truth be told, not every teenager is cute or likeable. Not every teenage event is 'coming of age' - or even rises above commonplace and boring.  But every teenager is in a constant state of unrest, anxiety, collosal unsureness of themselves.  Every teenager in his or her own way is worried sick about popularity, who they are, whether their parents are an embarrassment or something.  They all try on personas to meet all the new moments they encounter.  And many shoplift - even the good ones.

Sean Wang's new movie, Didi, captures all that with no attempts at the usual movie happy outcomes, personal growth, marvelous resolutions.  And that is what makes Didi great.  That and sterling performances by its teenage star, Isaac Wang, and his movie mother Joan Chen.  

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