Sunday, August 11, 2024

Contemplating the City --- Day 13/229

Walk: Day of rest (and home upkeep)

Distance: n/a

Gustave Caillebotte, Young Man at His Window, 1876, oil on canvas

Some of Ciwt's favorite paintings from the Impressionist time are by Gustave Caillebotte.  Perhaps because he by-passed pretty and captured so well and realistically the urbane, upper middle class of Paris. His class as he was born in a well-to-do family and trained to be a lawyer before taking up painting after service in the Franco-Prussian. 

The man at the window is his brother looking out at the newly designed Paris from the Caillebotte family home.  You feel like you are in the room with him but he is distracted by his own thoughts and the view outside.  There is also a modern sense of constraint, like he is feeling trapped inside, not quite able to enjoy the sunlight and open air for reasons we do not know.

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