Sunday, July 28, 2024

Decisions, Descisions --- Days 13/213 & 214

Walks: Hood

Distances: 4 miles average

So those of us who have ever moved know this one: you take something out of a box, look at it and think "now where is this going to go?"  Then another thing and another.  It is exhausting for Ciwt's little brain.  And now there is This Decision - a big one.

The people she bought from surprised her (and maybe themselves) by leaving a quality, large (by Ciwt standards) TV behind in the living room.  Should Ciwt keep it there?  She has always cringed when she has seen TVs in other peoples' living rooms.  But that means they like watching there.  And they invite others over to share broadcast events.  So it is sociable.  Maybe Ciwt keeps it??

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