Walk: Golden Gate Park pickleball
Distance: 1.8 miles, 90 minutes pickleball
Walk: Golden Gate Park pickleball
Distance: 1.8 miles, 90 minutes pickleball
Walk: 1. No, catch up phone calls with family and friends 2. Monday errands
Distance: 1. n/a, yoga 2. 2.5 miles, yoga
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Judy Chicago, The Dinner Party, 1974-79, ceramic, porcelain, textile, 48' each side |
Walk: Presidio Pickleball courts
Distance: 2.5 miles, 1 Hour pickle
On the way to Golden Gate Park Pickleball courts. (See the heron?) Makes Ciwt yearn for all those peaceful small lakes back in the Midwest.
Walk: 1. de Young Museum: Judy Chicago Retrospective Press Preview 2. de Young Museum Judy Chicago personal walk through
Distance: 1. 7.2 miles 2. 6.2 miles
So, Judy Chicago, artist, politics aside. That's is a very big aside for an artist who has worked on 'projects' that are virtually synonomous with politics her entire 60 year career. But there are many interesting things to know about this super energized, talented and courageous woman.
1. Her artistic 'projects' and therefore imagery include: Death (hers and species'), the Holocaust, Male Power, Birth, Feminism, Minimalism, Pyrotechnics.
2. She is 'outspokenly' passionate and direct about her 'projects.' For instance, here is one of her 'male power' paintings:
Rainbow Pickett, 1965/2021, Matthews polyurethane paint on stainless steel |
Birth Hood, 1965/2011, sprayed automotive lacquer on car hood |
Birth Trinity: Needlepoint #1, 1983 |
Virginia Woolf, from Reincarnation Triptych, 1973, sprayed acrylic on canvas |
Walk: GG Park Pickleball
Distance: 2.5 miles, 90 minutes pickle, yoga stretch
After doing it for her new rug in one room, Ciwt can't stop clearing closets and drawers in all her rooms.
Her cats cower under the bed (which is too heavy for Ciwt to budge.
Walk: Outside in hood at last
Distance: 6 miles, small yoga
No matter how old Ciwt gets, this time of year always feels like her new school year is about to start.
Walk: Up and Down Stairs again, finishing touches on new carpet project
Distance: 1 mile (all stairs), small yoga
So, Ciwt's attempts to photogaph her new carpet
(which is actually a latte-ish off-white shade that eludes her iphone camera) put her in mind of a New York artist who spent much of his career attempting to capture the essence of white.
That would be Robert Ryman (1930-2019) who was known for his abstract, white-on-white paintings. That's one below on a white wall.
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Ryman originally came to New York City from his native Tennessee with the intention of becoming a professional saxaphone player. To support himself he took a job as a guard at the Museum of Modern Art and soon became fascinated with the subjects he was guarding. Specifically his fascination went to exactly how the paintings on the walls had been done. As he was famously quoted "There is never any question of what to paint, only how to paint." After quitting his MoMA job, which he held from 1953-1960 in order to be close to painting, he spent the next year working in the Art Division of the New York Public Library. At some point he began buying a variety of art materials and experimenting with them in his apartment. This plus ongoing, intense talks with his many artist friends and co-workers, such as Sol LeWitt and Roy Lichtenstein, was his self-styled art education.
It is difficult not to think of Ryman as a 'monchromist' or a 'minimalist,' but he saw himself as a 'realist' painter because he felt he was only presenting the materials he used at their face value. Ever an experimenter, the majority of his 'realistic' works feature brushy white on white or off-white paint on a wide variety (to say the least) of surfaces: canvas, linen, steel, aluminum, plexiglas, vinyl, burlap to name a few. No matter how Ryman was categorized, he was prized by numerous galleries, museums, and collectors in the States and abroad throughout his career.
Ciwt has to wonder if he, like she, went nuts trying to capture his artwork on camera - or if he left the photography to the professionals.
Walk: Into one room, then another, then back, then ...
Distance: Who knows, feels like a lot
Back it all goes after new carpet installed...
Walk: 1. Hood Open Houses 2. Emptying bookcases, file cabinets, ancient stuff 3. GG Park Pickleball, Goodwill to donate all those books from yesterday
Distance: 2. 4 miles 2. 1 mile 3. 2 miles, 90 minutes pickle
Half the books off the shelves, file cabinets weeded out in office area, tech stuff secured, furniture out except for a table and couch Ciwt can't budge. So Ciwt's back room is almost ready for its first new carpet in 30+ years. And Ciwt's brain is almost ready to sprong out after sifting through 30+ years of memories. Many of her contemporaries know exactly what she is writing about here....
Walk: Presidio Pickleball
Distance: 3 miles, a few games of crowded pickle, yoga
So, today Ciwt heard from somebody who had been told by somebody that some author has pronounced that old age does not offcially start until age 90. Ciwt didn't research that news too extensively; she'll just take it as fact and enjoy the many youthful years she has left.*
*Until another author proclaims we aren't considered old until we get to 100.
Walk: 1. GG Park Pickleball 2. Hood errands
Distance: 1. 1.3 miles, 2 hours pickle, small yoga 2. 3.5 miles, Yoga
So when it comes to artistic statements about women's uphill battle for 'a place at the table,' Ciwt is more inclined toward something like Viola Frey's huge (almost 9') ceramic sculpture of a power-that-be looking down on a woman's attempt to have her work entered in a museum collection :
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Viola Frey, Man Observing, 1984, glazed earthenware with steel plate |
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Mary Cassat, In the Loge, 1878, oil on canvas |
Walk: Monday Hood Errands
Distance: 3.7 miles, Yoga
So having 'eaten dinner with Alex Trebek' and loved Jeopardy! for 37 years (including making a trip to their studio for a taping)*, Ciwt feels qualified to say something about the new Jeopardy host. Whoever he or she will be.
During those same 37 years there were people who never forgave Alex for not being Art Fleming, the host when Jeopardy! was a daytime game. Many of those in the disappointed crowd probably didn't watch the show any more. And, it is extremely likely that the same dynamic will come into play when the new permanent host(ess) is announced.
There were a surprising (to Ciwt) number of absolutely excellent guest hosts, some with large, built in followings and some who gained champions during their one or two week stints. People chose their favorite(s), and they will be legitimately disappointed if their person isn't "the winner."
Ciwt too has her favorites and hopes one of them will be announced. BUT don't bother calling Ciwt when Jeopardy! is on because she will be watching no matter who is named the permanent host. Jeopardy! is a great game (for trivia buffs), a great dinner companion, a game Alex believed in and made clear he wanted to continue after his death. So, there may be a few choices that will be a challenge for Ciwt for a while, but, well, boo hoo Ciwt, then on she will go.....
*See Days 297, 98 & 99 and many Jeopardy entries over the years.
Walk: 1. Presidio 2. UpDown Steps, Sunday at Home
Distance: 1. 2 miles 2. 1 mile, Yoga
Jules Bastien-LePage (Fr. 1848-1884), Sarah Bernhardt, 1879, oil on canvas |
Usually when the frame dwarfs the art work it surrounds, Ciwt finds that unfortunate. But this dramatic, over-the-top, metal frame seems to her just perfect for a portrait for the-over-the-top Victorian era actress, Sarah Bermhardt.
Walk: 1. de Young Museum 2. Marin Driving Day 3. Presidio Pickleball
Distance: 1. 2.5 miles, small yoga 2. .8 mile, small yoga 3. 2.5 miles, 90 minutes pickle, yoga stretch
So, tomorrow is Ciwt's birthday. And she will not be wearing purple, unlike the Scottish poet Jenny Joseph who warned she would when she was 'of a certain age.'* Ie, Old.
Ciwt has never liked purple, particularly mauve. It comes in on her puce channel which she detests.
She may owe her actual existence to this purple repugnance. In ancient Byzantium the Tyrian purple was proclaimed exclusive to the royals and ruled making, buying, wearing or even owning Tyrian purple a crime punishable by death. So the people with purple loving dna were endangered whereas those wth purple repugnance like Ciwt flourished. And a few are having birthdays tomorrow.
Walk: GG Park Pickleball
Distance: 2 miles, 90 minutes pickle, wee yoga
Yinka Shonibare (English), Gay Victorians, 1999, wax printed cotton |
Walk: Presidio Pickleball
Distanee:2.4 miles, 90 minutes pickle
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Henri Matisse, Woman with Hat, 1905, oil on canvas |
Once upon a time it was considered scandalous to portray a strong woman wearing clothes that rival her face for attention and looking straight (and undemurely) at the viewer. History records that when Matisse did just that, and entered his painting in the Paris Salon of 1905, he was severely ridiculed by the French press and public and even hung in effigy outside the Art Institute of Chicago.
Mickalene Thomas, Qusuquzah, une tres belle negress 1, 2011, Rhinestones, acrylic paint, oil, enamel paint on wood panel |
He also opened the door for no holds barred portraits like the powerful one above that sparkles with rhinestones when you see it in person.
Walk: 1. No, 2. Quick Hood, 3. Same
Distance: 1. 0, 2. 1.5 and smallish yoga, 3. 2.5 miles, smallish yoga