Friday, October 20, 2017

Empathy Gym --- Day 6/252

Walk: Fillmore errands and flu shot
Distance:  22 blocks, Up/Down, 5 Exercise/Asana/Flexion

The founders of the playhouse where Ciwt has season tickets call their stage the "empathy gym."  The audience sits together as strangers witnessing and gaining understanding for people and circumstances on the stage that are often very foreign, overlooked or disliked.  In the process the audience gains empathy for the actors and the fellow play-goers they are sitting with.

As Ciwt hobbles around her hoodwith her cane she feels she's in her own personal empathy gym.  Before now there are people and circumstances she's either avoided or not cared to understand. These include: why some people are so self-involved, why sick people are so narrowly focused on that, why they are edgy, angry, scared, unpleasant.  What it is like to be unattractive, avoided.  How it feels to be crossing an intersection and have a car speed through impatiently and barely missing you.  Why city people need to keep their sidewalks clean and free from hazards.  And other matters she kind of got - but not really.

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