Distance: 1.7 miles, Yoga

Henri Matisse, Dance (1), Paris, Boulevard des Invalides, early 1909, 6' 6.6" x 12' 9.6," o/c
Ciwt has found a kindred Matisse spirit who has written about him in a way dear to Ciwt's heart and also exceptionally. Peter Schjedahl, a New Yorker writer of course - another art presence (literary in this case) which is dear to Ciwt's heart. Here's what he has to say about Dance (1) (a study which hangs at MoMA for THE Painting).
Matisse's greatness resides in capacities of the eye and mind that almost anyone, with willingness, can discern, and none, with whatever training, can really comprehand. I don't think it is possible to be more intelligent in any pursuit, or more serious and original, and with such suddenness, than Matisse was when he represented a reaching arm in "Dance 1" (1909)...
And, PS, Robert Hughes, one of Ciwt's favorite art critics, said of the final product, The painting,
one of the few wholly convincing images of physical ecstasy made in the twentieth century.
There will be more CIWT on Matisse, rest assured....
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