Walk: Presidio (Home Land Security Art Show), Legion of Honor (Le Nann Bros. Show)
Distance: 1.2 miles and home yoga
Tirtzah Bassel (Israel, b. 1979), Concourse, 2016, duct tape on wall
(with Ciwt)
Today's storm - and the deadline for the show's closing - prompted Ciwt to return to
Home Land Security, a temporary art show installed in some of the Presidio's old military defense structures. When she first heard about it, Ciwt thought "No Way; Too political and too much of a downer."
But luckily she got over herself and to the show which she found to be high quaility and thought provoking. Also, sincere, straightforward and honest which sets it apart from so much of of the art since the 80's which has been all about bombast and attention getting. (Eg, the attention of corporate/industrialist buyers. But that is another story for another day)
Concourse, the art work above is 'drawn' entirely in duct tape, a material most often associated with quick fixes and temporary solutions. We've all been to this post 9/11 airport: the long lines, the waiting, the possibility of pat down, the complex feelings. On the one hand there is travel - free adventurous -and on the other vulnerability, discomfort, needing to conform. Even with such limited materials the artist has achieved a world that encouraged Ciwt to enter and reflect on.