Distance: 1 mile, home yoga
Ciwt sometimes does her entire practice in seated poses. There are so many, and she can move through, stretch, release and energize her whole body while sitting on her mat. Neck, shoulders, spine, arms/wrists hands, side body, hips, legs, ankles, feet. Did she leave any parts out? She might have, but the seated poses don't.

Sitting is a very calming way to practice. Very earthbound, grounded which allows even more awareness of the poses as she is doing them. Awareness of what is going on, of herself.
Virasana (spine, quads, ankles/feet) Dandasana (shoulders, arms, spine, legs, feet/toes)
A seated practice can be done any time, and can be particularly nice on days when Ciwt is tired, recovering or distracted, after a long walk/hike, or when she just wants to do something creative.
Pidgeon variation (heart, hips) Kurmasana/Tortoise (hips, abdomen, toes)
Seated poses can be as complicated as feels right, done with a partner or props, and are very beneficial seated in a chair (at the office)
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