Distance: 2 miles, hit bucket of balls, teach yoga class
I have a friend who has been a reader of Tarot cards for decades. I've always assumed he takes these with a grain of salt, but received an email yesterday with an essay (by?) explaining the deep and vital importance of Tarot card information. I didn't read it. Taking Tarot readings so seriously sort of stays with me though. Can't quite integrate it. Oh well, since it's almost Alex/Jeopardy time, I researched whether there is a Jeopardy Tarot; turns out the closest card to that is the 5 of Swords.
There are lengthy descriptions of the way this card can be interpreted; the bottom line is as follows:
The advice of the Five of Swords is to pick your battles. You may be tempted to fight every conflict to ensure you get your way, to prove that you are right, or to defend yourself when you are feeling challenged or threatened by another person. However, most experts agree, choosing your battles wisely is a much better way of life than battling out every disagreement. Not only will picking your battles lead to a more peaceful existence, it is also more likely to strengthen your interpersonal relationships.
Sounds like pretty good advice...(Any disagreements?)
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