Distance: 2 miles, teach yoga class
This Saturday-teach-then-go-to-a-matinee has become pretty much of a ciwt routine by now. Five years of teaching this class which I took over to help out a very sick friend and expected to keep for just a year to stabilize the class after she died. I knew/she told me the severity of her illness but the students didn't for several months and in one class I was the one who had to tell them. Part of me still hasn't recovered from that day. I can't imagine doing a worse job of it, but I did the best I could.
Anyway, from then on Saturdays have been this day of doing whatever at home (mostly leisurely breakfast, get ready, warm up poses) then late morning heading off to teach. After class and talking with students it is already early afternoon and often feels like a good time to 'let go' of the teaching by going to a movie. People who plan ahead would be doing something more formal (with friends), but I don't particularly like to plan ahead. To say the least.
Today's movie was The East which I found (very) good, easy on the eyes in spite of a darkish subject and interestingly thought provoking. I was, though, left wondering a teeny bit about plot details but mostly about how glitches are allowed to leave the editing room. I wonder this often in movies which have glaring plot/visual inconsistencies.
Today's biggest one (of several) concerned a gash in the main character's arm. (Don't worry, no spoiler here so you can read on). There are several long scenes about this wound, it's depth, severity, etc.. And Yet, when we see her sleeveless at a point in time after the wound, there is no scar, no bandage, no nothing.
Brit Marling Alexander Skarsgard
So I wonder how things like this happen. Theoretically someone views the product from beginning to end (at least once). I would think they would say, "Hey, wait, no scar!" or something and pull together all the (really big) plot glitches or visual inconsistencies. Seems strange. And it's unfortunate for the movie because it always knocks it down a peg through no fault of the actors or possibly the script writers.
The East was, as I said, (very) good and would have been better (I think) if it had spent a bit more quality time in the editing room.
The East
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